Using blockchain powered currency as simply a means of funding wallets is a missed opportunity—that’s the main message that serial
使用区块链支持的货币作为简单的钱包融资手段是一种错失良机的举动——这是连续创业家Phillip Runyan想要与高管们分享的主要信息。 点击此处阅读全文
This week marks the 13th year of the Bitcoin Genesis Block. It first appeared on January 3, 2009, containing the
Kurt Wuckert Jr.现在在内华达州的拉斯维加斯,在CES的第一天中,他谈到了这次活动的情况、BSV展位的表现如何、为什么分叉是一个错误的想法,以及他与Roger Ver之间的对决等内容。 点击此处阅读全文。
George Siosi Samuels与CoinGeek Backstage一起讨论了Honā、他们对此平台的愿景以及他们与Bitpost最新合作关系的内容。 点击此处阅读全文。
George Siosi Samuels joined CoinGeek Backstage to discuss about Honā, their vision with the platform, and their latest partnership with