此次活动在迪拜大学举行,它为来自业界、政府和学术界的专家们提供了一个可以相互学习如何在现代世界中将区块链利用到极致的绝佳机会。 点击此处阅读全文。
The BSV blockchain is making great headway in the Middle East, and as Ahmed Yousif, the man leading the charge
BSV区块链在中东地区取得了巨大进展,BSV中东地区负责人Ahmed Yousif透露这才刚刚开始。 点击此处阅读全文。
在本期的《The Bitcoin Bridge》节目中,Alex Agut向主持人Jon Southurst透露了他们为HandCash的新功能做出了很多努力——增加了法币入金通道。 点击此处阅读全文
In this episode of The Bitcoin Bridge, Alex Agut reveals to host Jon Southurst just how much work went into
The United Arab Emirates is moving steadily forward towards becoming one of the world’s leading digital asset hubs with the