Dr. Wright caught up with Sarah Higgs to discuss why he initially integrated IPv6 into Bitcoin and why only BSV
Wright博士接受了Sarah Higgs的采访,谈论自己最初将IPv6集成到比特币系统中的原因以及为什么只有BSV可以支持IPv6的交易量。 点击此处阅读全文。
在本期《CoinGeek每周直播》中,Kurt讨论了他对佛罗里达州大本营的看法,以及他正在计划的几个面向特定行业的线上活动等等。 点击此处阅读全文
In this episode of CoinGeek Weekly Livestream, Kurt discussed his views on Florida Citadel, several satellite events he’s planning that
The BSV blockchain hit a record-breaking 10 million transactions in 24 hours—a feat that no other public blockchain, including BTC
BSV区块链研讨会在Wadi Makkah孵化器举行,演讲者分享了BSV区块链如何在麦加和沙特阿拉伯实施数字转型举措。 点击此处阅读全文。