In this latest installment of More than Money, Adam Kling talks about the BSV blockchain, play-to-earn games, scaling, and the
在最新一期的《不仅仅是货币》节目中,Adam Kling谈论了BSV区块链、边玩边赚游戏、扩容以及边玩边赚游戏与电子竞技之间的差别。 点击此处阅读全文
Ninja Punk Girls and The Evil Erobotz was created after years of product development; the concept is an NFT-based card
历经过多年的产品研发,Ninja Punk Girls与The Evil Erobotz终于诞生;其概念是一种基于NFT的卡牌游戏与格斗游戏,玩家可以在游戏中互相竞争以赢得NFT。 点击此处阅读全文。
BSV Blockchain launched an online platform in China called the “CSDN Blockchain Engineer Qualification program,” which aims to help bitcoin
Zayed Al Hemairy博士是阿拉伯联合酋长国的区块链与加密货币的顾问,他在接受CoinGeek Backstage采访时表示,阿联酋正在利用这项技术取得重大飞跃。 点击此处阅读全文。