New directory make it easier to find BSV-related products, services

New directory make it easier to find BSV-related products, services

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The key to cryptocurrency adoption is making it easy to find locations that accept digital money. A new site has been launched to help spread awareness of where the original Bitcoin, Bitcoin SV (BSV), can be found and is promising to be a leader in the spread of BSV. BSV Galaxy makes it easy to find wallets, exchanges or vendors, and gives the BSV community a place to produce content on the BSV blockchain.

BSV Galaxy bills itself as the “Bitcoin SV Artists Collective.” Shem Booth-Spain – better known on social media as “Captin Bitcoin” – launched the concept as “a place people could meet and work together, business development for peoples projects from the arts is how we can fill up the block size with valuable useful data [from] artists, musicians and writers.“

Booth-Spain received some help developing the site by way of “super intelligent web developer Troy (secret BSV superhero) with massive support and advice from founder Joel Dalais and business support by Sheridan Sparrow.”

The site is membership based, which gives it an additional layer of legitimacy, and is still developing a following. Booth-Spain explains, “We are always doing special offers and promos. People don’t need a personal trainer to get fit, they just have to eat salad and walk. Personal trainers are still very popular because it helps them fast track their goals, reach their target! – first 5 people to message on Twitter and say ‘Open sesame’ get free membership!”

Captin Bitcoin recognizes what many are beginning to understand. BSV’s large block size gives it substantially more capabilities than any other blockchain. He states, “I set up a new operation, #operationdatablast, on Sunday 28th. I did a 14hr marathon streaming mission to bring people together in the space to upload to BitcoinSV music videos, images (I’m a musician/artists/media/advertising pro by trade) up onto the BitcoinSV. I uploaded a record 248mb music video and so did others, making record blocks! We proceeded to increase on the BSV block size up to 96%!!!”

BSV’s recent Quasar upgrade proved that large blocks were possible. Blocks of 2 gigabytes are now the norm on the only blockchain to follow the original Bitcoin design, defying assertions by other blockchain providers that said that large blocks could never be achieved. With larger blocks comes the ability to handle more data and more transactions in less time, and Quasar is just the beginning. The Genesis upgrade scheduled for next February is expected to completely remove all block size caps.

Booth-Spain adds that the blockchain can be of particular interest to the arts community, indicating, “Arts & Technology unites and unleashes the power of Bitcoin via overcoming the challenges that logical thought cannot overcome, Believe in your projects, GET MOTIVATED, Innovate & Build. That’s how I think of these things.”

New to blockchain? Check out CoinGeek’s Blockchain for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about blockchain technology.