The EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum launches interactive crypto startup map

EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum launches interactive crypto startup map

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The EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum (EUBOF) has put together an interactive cryptocurrency map that shows crypto-related companies and selected events on the continent. It was designed to help provide information about crypto startups and their projects, and is openly available to netizens around the world.

The map indicates companies working in the crypto and blockchain spaces and provides pertinent information related to their objectives, their background, company details, their purpose and much more. Events related to the blockchain are also available, giving visitors the ability to see what activities are happening in their area. Users can filter the results by geographic location, sector, event dates and more.

While the map was created based on European activity, the EUBOF indicated that users can provide information on events from other continents as well. Anyone can submit information to the site, but everything is reviewed prior to being made available publicly.

The EUBOF first mentioned the map in March. At the time, it said that it was “Creating a public map of existing blockchain initiatives; regrouping key players, projects, and regional activities driving the ecosystem’s development. The end result will be a dynamic, geographical map, available on the Observatory and Forum website. Such map is highly valuable for both the European Union and other participants in the blockchain ecosystem.”

Users wishing to submit material for inclusion can do so through a form on the site. The submission takes around 10-15 minutes, and a separate form is required for each submission.

On June 18, the EUBOF will host an “Ask Me Anything” seminar, where users can submit questions to the group about what is in store for the crypto and blockchain industries. The session will last 90 minutes and, according to an announcement on the group’s website, “will focus on the fundamentals of blockchain technology, its use cases, and what to expect in the years ahead.”

Launched in February, the EUBOF is backed by the European Parliament, and has several different functions. It informs on important blockchain developments, reinforces European engagement and promotes European companies improving blockchain innovation.

New to blockchain? Check out CoinGeek’s Blockchain for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about blockchain technology.

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