Article by Steve Kaaru
15 October, 2020
Blockchain Intelligence Group CoinGeek Live 2020 sponsor spotlight
CoinGeek caught up with Blockchain Intelligence Group to talk about their experience at the recently held CoinGeek Live conference.
15 October, 2020
G20 countries establish global stablecoin rules
While recognizing the rise in prominence of CBDCs, the Financial Stability Board is challenging the effectiveness and comprehensiveness of the...
15 October, 2020
G7: Facebook’s Libra must not launch until it’s properly regulated
Financial regulators in the world’s seven biggest economies will continue to oppose the launch of Facebook’s digital currency Libra until...
14 October, 2020
Jimmy Nguyen speaks at India’s first Bitcoin SV meetup
The virtual meetup was organized by Indian digital currency exchange BuyUCoin and focused on introducing the audience to the opportunities...
14 October, 2020
BitMEX hires Malcom Wright as chief compliance officer following US criminal charges
Malcom Wright brings three decades’ worth of experience in compliance and anti-money laundering practices to embattled BitMEX.
14 October, 2020
Bank of Japan publishes a CBDC report, to start pilot programs in 2021
The Bank of Japan believes that there’s a possibility of a surge in public demand for a CBDC, considering the...
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