Blockchains could revolutionize the use of firearms
Business 31 July 2019

New crypto exchange plans on dominating Coinbase

Blockchain hopes to offer “lightning-fast” trades through its The PIT exchange, which is being put together by a group of former heavyweights that were involved in operations at the New York Stock Exchange.

Tech 29 July 2019

Operation Data Blast shows Bitcoin SV’s power

The conducted large data upload in Bitcoin SV (BSV) blockchain was not only successful, but it reiterated the fact that on-chain scaling of an order of magnitude larger than anyone thought possible on a blockchain is possible and sustainable.

Russia still bearish on crypto acceptance
Business 29 July 2019

Russia still bearish on crypto acceptance

Despite an order from President Putin to develop a framework, Russia is most likely not going to legalize digital currencies anytime in the near future.