Red Hat Summit 2019

Red Hat Summit 2019

About this event

What to expect

Red Hat Summit is a collaborative forum, a place to expand your possibilities. This year, we’re thinking about AND.

AND is about scaling your technology and culture in whatever size or direction you need, when you need to, with what you actually need―not a bunch of bulky add-ons. From the right foundation―an open foundation―AND adapts with you. It’s interoperable, adjustable, elastic. Think Linux AND containers. Think public AND private cloud. Think Red Hat AND you.

Red Hat Summit is where AND comes to life, where ideas become reality. Event sessions will cover advances in technology, IT processes, and culture trends―things that help organizations expand their possibilities.

Who attends?

Admins. Analysts. Architects. Consultants. Developers. Engineers. Executives. Managers. Partners. Vendors. All kinds of people come to Red Hat Summit, from the career IT pro to the open source contributor, and our attendees represent nearly every industry from all over the world.

Convince your boss

You’ve done your research. You get the value of Red Hat Summit. But if your boss is still on the fence, try this email template we put together. Just fill in a few blanks, send it, and get ready for springtime in Boston.

Fifteen years of innovation

This year is our 15th Red Hat Summit. Since 2005 in New Orleans, we’ve traveled across the U.S. and around the world, bringing together customers, partners, and community enthusiasts to learn, network, and experience the power of open source in the enterprise.


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