DC Blockchain Summit 2019

DC Blockchain Summit 2019

About this event

DC Blockchain Summit 2019 will feature discussions with blockchain innovators and technologists from around the globe, including in-depth conversations with policymakers and regulators on the issues impacting the growing blockchain landscape.

The DC Blockchain Summit is one the most distinguished blockchain events in the world, bringing together the world’s leading blockchain executives and technologists, public policy makers, and academics — all with a common interest in or passion for blockchain technology.

Join the discussion.
DC Blockchain Summit 2019 will feature discussions with innovators and technologists from around the globe, including in-depth conversations with policymakers and regulators on the issues impacting the growing blockchain landscape.

Become a sponsor.
Join an elite body of thought leaders, industry experts, and budding start-ups, and get in front of the more than 1,000 influential delegates from 20+ countries in attendance. 2019 will feature a second stage, networking zone and exhibition hall. Contact us to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.

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